Cable Kits
We have a wide variety of cables to suit your needs. Choose from an existing kit or build your own. We will quote the cable viability and price.
Shop Existing Cable Kits
Find an existing kit to suit your needs
CCK095-400-NMSM CBL/K LMR400 95' N-M/SMA-M | LMR400 | N (MALE)STRAIGHT | SMA (MALE)STRAIGHT | 95 | $98.75 | |
CCK080-400-NMSM CBL/K LMR400 80' N-M/SMA-M | LMR400 | N (MALE)STRAIGHT | SMA (MALE)STRAIGHT | 80 | $88.75 | |
CCK050-400-TMTM CBL/K LMR400 50' TNC-M/TNC-M | LMR400 | TNC (MALE)STRAIGHT | TNC (MALE)STRAIGHT | 50 | $69.35 | |
CCK050-240-SFSM CBL/K LMR240 50' SMA-F/SMA-M | LMR240 | SMA (FEMALE)STRAIGHT | SMA (MALE)STRAIGHT | 50 | $90.80 | |
CCK025-RG6-FMFM CBL/K RG6 25' F-M/F-M | RG6 | F (MALE)STRAIGHT | F (MALE)STRAIGHT | 25 | $23.70 | |
CCK015-058-NMUF CBL/K RG58 15' N-M/UF | RG58/U | N (MALE)STRAIGHT | UHF (FEMALE)STRAIGHT | 15 | $46.85 | |
CCK015-058-NMTM CBL/K RG58 15' N-M/TNC-M | RG58/U | N (MALE)STRAIGHT | TNC (MALE)STRAIGHT | 15 | $42.15 | |
CCK015-058-NMNF CBL/K RG58 15' N-M/N-F | RG58/U | N (MALE)STRAIGHT | N (FEMALE)STRAIGHT | 15 | $41.20 | |
CCK015-058-BMBM CBL/K RG58 15' BNC-M/BNC-M | RG58/U | BNC (MALE)STRAIGHT | BNC (MALE)STRAIGHT | 15 | $49.05 | |
CCK012-058-NMSM CBL/K RG58 12' N-M/SMA-M | RG58/U | N (MALE)STRAIGHT | SMA (MALE)STRAIGHT | 12 | $36.40 |
Build Your Own Custom Cable Kit
Choose specific parts for your cable kit
Fill in the options below and we will provide a quote on your cable's viability and price. If you have any questions, please contact us or call 1-800-661-1905.
Thank you for submitting your Custom Cable Build
We will respond about the viability and price of your cable.
If you have any further questions, please contact us or call 1-800-661-1905.