All You Need to Know About the Tait TP3 Portable Radio
The Tait TP3 series radio is a unique and highly customizable radio available is DMR Tier 2 and Analog. You can customize everything from the colour, display and keypad, all the way to the labels for each radio.
Features & Benefits:
Choose Your own colour
Each TP3 radio is available in a range of colours giving you organization the freedom to choose radios that look the way you want, organize your portables using colour to quickly identify specific teams. These colours can also be selected to match your brand guidelines or to stand out better.
The front panel of the radio is interchangeable, allowing you to purchase a black radio then later change it to a different colour – saving time and money over purchasing a whole new radio.
Choose Your Display & Keypad
Three keypad options are available:
- No Key, Display model (0 key)
- 4-Key, Colour Display model (4-key)
- 16-Key, colour Display (16 key)
The 4-key and 16 key models come with a 160×128 pixel, 1.77″ colour display. You can customize the power-up display to contain your logo, radio ID, assigned owner, or any other image. The display can be used to select from the 200 Channels, text messages, caller ID, or identifying talk groups.
The 0 Key radio does not come with a display. Should you want to upgrade to a 4-key or 16-key with a display, the cover can quickly and easily be changed, instantly enhancing your portable to include the display and keys.
Choose Your Label
Each radio is built with designated spaces for custom labels. Die-cut labels are high-tack adhesives, colour-customized, and waterproof, alcohol, chemical and smudge resistant.
Custom-designed labels can be personalized to carry your brand logo, specific talk groups or radio type, users identification or anything else you can image. This means that your radio can be completely unique to your organization, and individual radios can be personalized for each user.
Voice Annunciation
Keep your eyes up and focused on the task at hand while changing channels or features with the voice annunciation capacities. The loud and clear voice will give users confidence their radio is set up and functioning correctly.
Increase Health & Safety
Reliable and clear communications are essential for health and safety. If someone on your team needs assistance, you need to trust that they can call for help. Each TP3 radio is remarkably simple to use, meaning users can quickly and easily connect to the right person or group.
If safety is a high priority in your industry, then the TP3350 model provides a series of features that help increase worker safety such as:
- Vibration alerts – to help ensure every text message is detected.
- GPS – which allows you to locate your staff, check their progress and ensure they aren’t lost or off track.
- Man down – which sends an alert to dispatch when the radio detects unusual tilt or inactivity, such as when someone on your team has been injured and collapses.
Combined, GPS and Man Down enable you to quickly identify the injured person’s location and the location of the other workers nearby. This means help can arrive within a matter of minutes, even seconds. Fast response time can mean the difference between life and death.